Gamepedia Help Wiki

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Gamepedia Help Wiki

EditorVisual é uma nova maneira "visual" de editar o Gamepedia que permite que as pessoas contribuam sem ter que aprender wikimarkup, fornecendo uma interface WYSIWYG. Este editor de rich text foi criado e continua sendo mantido por Ele foi disponibilizado como uma versão opt-in para usuários existentes em todos os wikis da Gamepedia em junho de 2015. As contas de usuário criadas após 10 de junho de 2015 e o usuário anônimo têm o EditorVisual ativado por padrão.

Para saber mais sobre como usar o EditorVisual, leia o guia para Editor Visual e a lista de atalhos de teclado comuns.

Para dar sua opinião ou feedback sobre o EditorVisual, visite o a página da Discussão da comunidade.

Como ativar o Editor Visual[]


A seção "Edição" de suas preferências

  1. Navegue até o suas Preferências
  2. Select the "Editing" Tab
  3. In the "Editor" section, check "Ativar o Editor Visual'

Once enabled, the Edit button will trigger EditorVisual. You can still use the traditional editor by clicking the "Edit Source" button on any page. The EditorVisual setting is synced globally across all Gamepedia wikis.

How to disable EditorVisual[]

  1. Navigate to your Preferences
  2. Select the "Editing" Tab
  3. In the "Editor" section, uncheck "Enable VisualEditor'



Current known limitations include:

  • Slower – Loading longer pages into EditorVisual generally takes more time than the old wikitext editor, although this delay has been reduced significantly.
  • Not available in talk or discussion namespaces – On Gamepedia, EditorVisual is only enabled in the Main and User namespaces. On pages other than those in the namespaces mentioned, the "Edit" button for EditorVisual is not available.
  • Cannot edit a single section – EditorVisual loads and submits only entire pages. Clicking an "edit" link for a section causes EditorVisual to scroll to the section where the "edit" link was clicked. In EditorVisual's model, editing sections would be paradoxically slower than editing the whole page. Section editing does not reduce edit conflicts.
  • Template parameters are wikitext, not rich edited – EditorVisual lets you edit the parameters of template transclusions, but only as "wikitext" (so "[[Foo]]" not "Foo").
  • Nested templates aren't very easy (e.g. {{Template1|{{Template2}}}}) – EditorVisual lets you edit template transclusions which themselves use templates ("nested" templates).
  • Limited browser support – EditorVisual works only in relatively modern (last three years) versions of Chrome/Chromium, Firefox/Iceweasel, Internet Explorer 10 or higher, Safari, Opera, Midori, Qupzilla, SeaMonkey and WebPositive (approximately 93% of all users). EditorVisual does not yet work with Internet Explorer 9, and will never work with Internet Explorer 8 or older.[1]
  • "Weird" templates – struggles with templates that pass a bit of incomplete code, with markup, to another template or table, such as ones that fill in multiple parameters of a table by passing, for example, param1|param2 - this is a difficult problem to code around, but usually unnecessary.
  • Incomplete editing functionality – The content of some "complex" formatting, including definition lists and multi-column layouts, will display and can be edited, but editors using EditorVisual cannot modify certain details, and table editing on mobile doesn't work properly. Adding features in this area is one of the developers' priorities.

Because of these limitations and the many remaining bugs in EditorVisual, the developers recommend that EditorVisual users click "Review your changes" before saving a page.
